Sweat It Out In Old Navy Activewear Share!
Soooo... Last month the Crowdtap Old Navy Style Council were once again given the opportunity to test some of the newest Old Navy Activewear line!
Aaaand once again my share, well... it didn't go as I'd planned. I tried to go on the weekend of the 15th- a day that turned into a Christmas shopping
MARATHON for me and a small group of friends with family. Twelve hours of oohing, awing, trying and buying. By the time we made it to the Old Navy parking lot my friends and I were so exhausted that we elected to delay the experience to the middle of the following week when we would hopefully have more time to have fun with the event. And then... The following week the weather chose not to cooperate in a big way. Until late Friday evening I was snowed in up to my eyeballs at my families lake house.
See that satellite pole? Yeeeah... the base was a solid 4 to 5 feet below the snow that week.
Snomageddon put the get together to happening the last
minute on Saturday the 22nd- as the day after Christmas schedule-wise
was pretty much out of the question for everyone but me. Now, I am sure
that you are all aware that attempting to host an in store sampling
event, even with only one friend in tow, on the last Saturday before
Christmas is probably not a good idea. Suffice it to say that to do so
with SEVERAL friends in tow- all with their own downtothewire
gift shopping plans is most definitely not. A
good idea that is. It was chaos personified. So many people in the way
it felt as though we were competing schools of piranha circling sardine
packed aisle openings.
No one wanted to take pictures (,_,). The
dressing rooms were impossible to get into in a timely fashion. Some
tried on things over their clothes in the middle of the aisle- not a one
gave us off looks as there were many other shoppers doing the same.
Shelves were seemingly picked clean of sizes and styles- which made a
few of my friends a tad cranky when they couldn't get exactly what they
were after. What with their crankiness added to the busyness of the
store and the pressure to just choose something and move on to the next
stop- I felt overwhelmed and swept away. Lest my head be shorn off by
snappish sharp eyeteeth, I elected not to push the issue of pics and
tweets and hoped to figure out visually entertaining content for my blog
at a later date. Throughout the rest of the day? The lines. Oh gawd.

*Hangs head in shame and covers face in hands for ever
thinking this day as a share day a wise decision*
The good news? Even though I only had coupons for me and one friend-
everyone walked away with a lot of Old Navy product- including many
items from ON-Activewear. At the time they didn't have as many items
that I wanted to choose from as I would have liked- but I did find two
outfits- the first one comprised of the Active Go Dry Boot Cut Yoga Pant in Tsunami and matching rib knit tank.
On to the Posh Purple Neon outfit. This is my second time trying Old Navy Active Compression pants and I have to say that I am still not entirely satisfied with the compression level. Quality isn't really the issue- they stand up well to several washings and hold their shape while remaining nice and stretchy... but I find that their material lacks any real compressive value. Don't get me wrong, their sleek fit and style is still well worth their purchase. I have really enjoyed the fact that these capris have many details and lines that reminded me of higher end activewear and do not regret my choice. But just as a heads up- if compression is what you are after I would suggest going down a size or two in Old Navy Active Compression pants.
ON's Active Tie Waist Bubble Tank is truly awesome for higher impact activity! Breezy and loose without being sacky so you stay much cooler without looking like you are shapeless. The shoulders are cut to curve and narrow toward the back- creating an almost Y back- which is a fabulous feature that keeps the straps from sliding down continually shifting narrow shoulders. I have to say that I am so in LOVE with the extra soft and silky feel of the bubble tank fabric that I wish they came in more than just three colours. I need a wardrobe of these babies. In general I've found that both pant and top breathe really well, wick adequately for moderate to intense activity, are incredibly comfortable and look super cute together!
My friend chose a pair of the Go Dry Active Compression Pants to go with a Micro Performance Fleece Jacket both in Black Jack She has had the same issue with the compression pant that I have had in that they are not really all that compressive- but tells me that they are so comfortable and great looking that it really isn't something she cares about. She is thoroughly enjoying both items regardless. She also wanted me to pass along that she has discovered that she loves using the fleece for more than working out and finds herself lamenting that Old Navy does not include them in more colours and styles as they do in their regular fleece line. I've asked for a photo of her in her new togs- but she hasn't emailed me one yet. If she does I'll post it here. (^-^)
Haaaaa... Old Navy Activewear= Cute workout gear, yes. But yeeeah- trying to take a pic in a dark workout room without windows- that doesn't make you look ridiculous while stretching out= not successful. Feel free to make fun if you wish. (^,^)
The second? The cute little Posh Purple Neon Tie Waist Bubble Tank and Active Compression Capri pant number. (^-^)
I hemmed and hawed over testing out the matching adjustable strap sport bras and now wish that I had just gone for it. I
am hoping that I will be able to snag a couple to match in my size this
weekend. I have since tested out both outfits and
though I am in LOVE with the softness, colour and quality of the Boot
Cut Yoga Pant- I am not so thrilled with the length of the leg and the
extra tall rise. As you will see in my pic- the pant nearly stretches
the entire length of my sofa. Fantastic if you are super tall- like over
5' 10- but even if you are above average height the length and rise are
too much. If you're short- well? Best choose another style all together
as these pants will likely sit somewhere just beneath your breasts or
higher. On to the Posh Purple Neon outfit. This is my second time trying Old Navy Active Compression pants and I have to say that I am still not entirely satisfied with the compression level. Quality isn't really the issue- they stand up well to several washings and hold their shape while remaining nice and stretchy... but I find that their material lacks any real compressive value. Don't get me wrong, their sleek fit and style is still well worth their purchase. I have really enjoyed the fact that these capris have many details and lines that reminded me of higher end activewear and do not regret my choice. But just as a heads up- if compression is what you are after I would suggest going down a size or two in Old Navy Active Compression pants.
ON's Active Tie Waist Bubble Tank is truly awesome for higher impact activity! Breezy and loose without being sacky so you stay much cooler without looking like you are shapeless. The shoulders are cut to curve and narrow toward the back- creating an almost Y back- which is a fabulous feature that keeps the straps from sliding down continually shifting narrow shoulders. I have to say that I am so in LOVE with the extra soft and silky feel of the bubble tank fabric that I wish they came in more than just three colours. I need a wardrobe of these babies. In general I've found that both pant and top breathe really well, wick adequately for moderate to intense activity, are incredibly comfortable and look super cute together!
My friend chose a pair of the Go Dry Active Compression Pants to go with a Micro Performance Fleece Jacket both in Black Jack She has had the same issue with the compression pant that I have had in that they are not really all that compressive- but tells me that they are so comfortable and great looking that it really isn't something she cares about. She is thoroughly enjoying both items regardless. She also wanted me to pass along that she has discovered that she loves using the fleece for more than working out and finds herself lamenting that Old Navy does not include them in more colours and styles as they do in their regular fleece line. I've asked for a photo of her in her new togs- but she hasn't emailed me one yet. If she does I'll post it here. (^-^)
Haaaaa... Old Navy Activewear= Cute workout gear, yes. But yeeeah- trying to take a pic in a dark workout room without windows- that doesn't make you look ridiculous while stretching out= not successful. Feel free to make fun if you wish. (^,^)